Thursday, December 15, 2005

Just plain rude.

So I was on the bus, right, and there's this guy, all dressed in black and hooded up, who's sitting right behind me. He's listening to some really shitty music. Imagine a thousand glasses all simultaneously smashing against giant marble walls. Then imagine there are these five illiterate morons in the background who are, I presume, trying to express themselves by making absurd grunting noises (they call it 'rapping'). That's what the 'song' sounded like.

So anyway, this imbecile is listening to this crap, and the worst part is, he's nodding his head like he's bloody enjoying it. So I'm sitting there, in front of him, attempting to restrain myself from reacting violently (any such action would have probably ended in my demise, but that's not the point), and he's just nodding away. Then the song ends. Thank fuck, I thought.

Then he plays it again. Much to mine, and everyone else’s, incredulous displeasure.

Of course, the courageous and noble would have been to get up, boldly state how I will put an end to his tyranny of ear-rape, and then bestow some immense pain upon him, whilst everyone else on the bus cheers me on. Only I’m not particularly courageous, and nobility is an attribute not associated with my bloodline. So I just sit there, and intently hope that one of us dies, very soon.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m still on the bus, and the roads are like a car park, with not the slighest hint of progresson and an end to this torturous journey. I’ve heard the same, absurd song about ten times now. Every beat, every flow of base, every word is like a deliberate, raw, powerful thrust against my brain. Before the song was just irksome to listen now, but now it was causing me physical pain. I looked around and noticed the other people were twitching, and some had succumbed continuously banging their heads against the windows.

I decide I had enough. I turn around and fixatedly stare at him, hoping that my stare has the same effect on him that it does on most females (they freak out and run away). It didn’t, however, and he just barks, ‘What’chu lookin’ at, bitch?’

Wthout thinking, I winked at him and blew him a kiss.
That was it - he completely lost it. He tackled me down onto the ground, and bestowed unto me an epic amount of hurt. He briefly paused ones to replay the song on his phone, but he was swift to recontinue. He shattered two of my ribs, completely destroyed my right leg, and took a lock of hair. Of course, I had no idea what I was thinking when I did that. Sometimes I act and do things without thinking of the possible outcomes, and this was clearly one of those times.

Looking back on what I’ve written, I honestly don’t know where this story was going. Perhaps I intended some kind of good vs. bad story, or perhaps there was morale somewhere. Or, more likely, I was severely bored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive neva laffed so much in my life

Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gj kurda

Monday, December 19, 2005 9:08:00 PM  

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